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Saved by J. Bistolas
on September 6, 2009 at 10:59:09 pm

Welcome to ENG 4UI!


Welcome to Grade 12 University English.  I look forward to getting to know you this semester.



The course is divided into six units of study.  Please organize your binder into six distinct sections accordingly.  Under the description of each unit,

you will find links to reference materials or assignments.  


In an effort to reduce paper use, I will use this wiki as my primary tool for out-of-classroom communication with you. While we will refer to overheads of assignments and reference materials in class, rather than hand them out for you to place in your binder and promptly forget about or lose, I will post them on the wiki.  You can access them at any time for reference.


Unit One:  Prose

               developing a sense of the value of writing will be a focus as we complete close readings of a number of essays and short non-fiction pieces.  

               With a better understanding of the rhetorical strategies essayists use students will be better able to craft their own informal essays.

               These essays, as well as a major prose test, will be the major evaluations for this unit.  


Unit Two:  Long Day's Journey Into Night

               Eugene O'Neill's autobiographical work A Long Day's Journey Into Night provides students with an introduction to modern American drama.                 Considered one of the most important American playwrights in the Twentieth Centrury, O'Neill offers a riveting view into what it means to be

               a family, and into the space between our visions of ourselves and our reality.  


Unit Three:  Independent Study

               As part of the course, you will complete and submit a polished research essay.  Starting early in the term, you will choose a novel (subject to my                approval) and begin reading independently.  The project will be marked in stages, with the final product a literary research essay using

               at least two academic secondary sources and following MLA format.  This project is worth 15% of your final mark:  10% for the essay and 5% for                process.  





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